The Birth of the Universe

Have you ever wondered how you ,our earth,our sun,our solar system,our milky way galaxy,our universe every thing came into existence.How it all started?After great scientific research the scientists have come to a conscientious that it all started with a big bang.

The Early Universe 

The estimated age of the universe is about 13.7 billion years.How did the universe look 13.7 billion years ago?It is believed when there was nothing no time,no space,no matter absolutely nothing, there existed a very small, smaller than an atom, ultra hot fog of energy.And then it started to happen The BIG BANG.

The Big Bang

The ultra hot fog of energy started to radiate & expand really fast from smaller than an atom to the size of an apple in just trillionth(1/1000000000000) of a sec.Within 1/100 of a sec it became as big as the our solar system.With every passing bit of time the universe continued to expand & started to cool  the pure energy from the radiation started to create the first forms of stuff.These stuff came in two variety half was matter and the other half consisted of  Antimatter.Matter is the thing from which everything today is made of.What happened to the other half the Antimatter?

Well when  both matter and antimatter collide with each other it resulted into formation of pure energy.If both matter and antimatter would have been created in equal amounts then it would result into an endless cycle.Energy would get converted into matter and anti matter and then they would collide again to form energy.

Fortunately there was just a bit more matter than anti matter.One in every billion.So all the matter today in the universe is due to that small imbalance.330 thousand years after the big bang the universe had expanded to infinite distance and was much cooler.But it was just a cloud hydrogen gas with no stars and planets.Who did the universe got its bright shinning starts?

Birth of Stars  

Just like the small imbalance in the formation of matter the clouds of hydrogen  were also not uniform in density there were small patches were the cloud got denser and here is when the great force of gravity takes part.Gravity pulled more and more gas closer and closer for millions of years till it heated up to 10 million degree Centigrade.At this high temperature a process called nuclear fusion begins.In this process the hydrogen gets converted into helium and some of the matter gets converted into pure energy.This the source of energy of our stars.As soon as it happens our first star burst to life burning with a deep blue light these early  stars where thousand times bigger than our sun.Now we have stars that are shining.But this universe is still lacking elements like oxygen,carbon,iron etc.From where did all the elements came from?

The Great Factories 

The same process that powers our stars just by a stroke of luck leads to the formation of elements.The helium gas formed due to nuclear fusion is heaver than hydrogen so it starts to collect in the stars core and it self under goes nuclear fusion leading to the formation of carbon and more energy.This process continues till iron is formed in the core.Iron on fusion dose not release any energy so the star starts to die out when all of its hydrogen finishes.Now gravity come into play leading to rise in the temperature of the core.When the temperature reaches 100 times the temperature of the core of the sun.The star finally collapse and leads into a big explosion the Super Nova .The shock wave of the explosion rips the start apart in microseconds.Throwing the elements into space which will become the building blocks for new solar systems like ours.This marks the end of the story of The Birth of the Universe.Hope you liked it.

Posted by The Poster | at 4:47 AM


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